Why Fall is a Great Time to Paint
September 17, 2019
Fall is amazing in New England. Mother Nature seems to have decided on the perfect temperature and humidity level. Add to that the intersection of professional sports for the diehard Boston fans. Most of all, we love the visual show that the trees put on every year for just a few weeks.
Fall is also a fantastic time to cross off outdoor chores and projects, like painting your home’s exterior. Autumn is an especially good season for several reasons. Read on to find out more about this season’s benefits for outdoor painting.
Perfect Climate
Fall offers probably the perfect temperatures for painting. Not only has the temperature cooled considerably, making it less stifling to be a painter but with temps hovering around 50-70 degrees, the temp is perfect for drying and curing paint. Since most exterior paint requires an ambient temperature of about 50 degrees, fall temperatures are perfect for exterior house painting.
Not only is the average temperature optimal, but the humidity tends to be lower in the fall than during the summertime. Lower humidity contributes to a better drying finish as well. Lastly, fall can be the best time to paint because the difference between high and low temperatures are not as great from morning to night as they are during the other seasons of the year.
Fewer Pests
Mosquitoes, ticks, and flying insects can be a real pain during the painting process, especially if you need to maneuver your way into areas behind bushes and trees to get the job done. No one likes getting stung or bitten. Fall, therefore, is a great time to paint because there are fewer of these pests to deal with.
The Kids Are Back-to-School
For parents who want to paint the exterior of their home without having to worry about the kids bothering the painters or running into equipment, fall is an optimal time. Home projects work a lot better if there are fewer kids and toys underfoot. Both homeowners and professional painters need as much space as possible to clean, prep, and paint.
Clean Up is Easier
Right after Labor Day, picnics, BBQs, and outdoor entertaining tends to taper off. That means it is a great time to paint because there will be fewer things to clean up and take care of now that you are spending more time indoors.
Are you considering painting your home this fall? The time is right. Give us a call at Jerry Enos Painting today at 978-546-6843, or visit our website.
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