Stairwell Painting Dos and Don’ts

December 9, 2022

From grand staircases of Victorian-style homes to modern spiral staircases, stairwells are often overlooked in terms of painting. While stairwells are typically high-traffic areas where handprints and scuff marks can dirty up the surfaces, they tend to be neglected due to complications that can arise when painting. 

High ceilings, narrow hallways, and awkward corners can really be issues for those who do not paint for a living. Ladders, scaffolding, and precarious balancing can also be an injury risk when painting stairwells. 

Let’s examine some of the professional dos and don’ts when painting your stairwell. 

Do Follow Safety Protocols

No matter what size or shape your stairwell is, safety should always be the top priority. Unbalanced ladders or scaffolding that is not properly secured can cause a major fall risk resulting in injury and damage to your stairwell. 

If you do decide to paint the stairwells without utilizing a painting professional that has the proper equipment and safety tools, you will want a secure ladder that has the right weight limits for the person using it. If using scaffolding, be sure to set it up according to the manufacturer’s instructions and only allow one person on it at a time. 

colorful risers

Don’t Forget to Prep The Area 

Just like with any other paint project, you will want to clean the stairs, walls, banister, and trim before you begin your paint project. 

Most stairwells are difficult to vacuum, mop, or wipe down so a very thorough cleaning is probably due. Use Q-Tips or other small items to clean the grooves of the trim and be sure to wipe down every surface including those hard-to-reach corners along the ceiling of the stairwell. 

Included in your prep of the area should be floor coverage, especially if there is carpeting that would absorb all drips of paint. Additionally, repair any tread issues or loose screws that attach to the banister or railing. 

Do Start at the Top 

As with any paint project, start at the top and work your way down. Starting from the bottom could result in paint dripping down on the areas you already painted. Avoid having to repaint areas where drips or splatters occur by always starting at the top. 

spiral stairs

Don’t Be Boring with Paint Choices 

Stairwells may be a means to get from point A to point B in your home but they don’t need to be ho-hum colors or textures. Try to go outside your comfort zone when choosing a color palette for your stairwell. 

Additionally, who says you only have to paint the walls or ceiling in your stairwell? Maybe make a bold choice and paint the stair treads or the kickboards! 

Are you considering painting your stairwell? Don’t know how to reach that highest point or how to manage painting the area without making a mess or injuring yourself? Let Jerry Enos Painting take care of it for you. Schedule your paint project today. 


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