How Winter Weather Can Damage Your Paint 

February 5, 2020

As New Englanders, we know the power of nature and the ravages that salty air, howling winds, and relentless precipitation can have on our environment. That got us thinking about the impact of nature, specifically the type of winter weather we experience around here can have on our homes. 

Think about this winter thus far. We may not have had as many inches of snow as in past years, but we certainly have experienced gale-force winds, icy road conditions, and pelting sleet and freezing rain. What effect does all of this have on the exterior paint of our homes? 

There are quite a few components of living in this beautiful region that could be damaging to the exterior paint on our homes. 

Potential Damage: Salt  

To start, we live near the ocean. That means salty air. Salt can be corrosive to paint especially if, day-after-day, the salty air and moisture is beating against your home. Not only is there naturally salt in the air, but with hazardous road conditions comes the use of salty deicing products and chemicals that can eat away at the paint on our home’s exterior. The potential damage of peeling, blistering paint is there. 


Our suggestion to maintain your exterior is to shovel snow away from your home to keep any salt products that are mixed with precipitation away from your siding or paint. When spring emerges, try to clean as much of the brine off your home with a hose. A professional power washing can help as well. 

hail damage

Potential Damage: Sleet, Freezing Rain, or Hail 

These types of precipitation are virtually unavoidable in our area. Sleet, freezing rain, and hail can cause physical damage to the side of your home and consequently to the paint. While you can’t stop Mother Nature, you can take some precautions prior to the winter weather and in the spring as well. 


Examine the exterior of your home before the winter weather sets in and then again after it has subsided in the spring. Fix any damage immediately so that it does not have a chance to get worse. Sand down dings, scratches, or marks then apply a coat of primer and final coat. This regular maintenance can stop the wood underneath from becoming rotten and permanently damaged. 

Potential Damage: Moisture Build Up 

Living near the ocean and in our fairly humid climate means that moisture can build up on the side of your home. This means that mold and mildew are real possibilities. Both can eat away at your paint. 


Power washing regularly (every few months) can help prevent mold from building up.

If you notice the first signs of paint damage try these simple solutions or call Jerry Enos Painting for an evaluation and quote to solve the issue. 


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