How To Plan Your Commercial Paint Project
January 29, 2021
Is your office back to in-person work, or are your employees still functioning as mostly remote due to the coronavirus? If you answered the latter, now may be a perfect time to get your workspace updated with a fresh coat of paint. Read on to find out more about how to plan your commercial paint project.
Find the Right Paint Professional
Choosing an experienced painting team is vital to getting your office painted in an efficient and careful manner. Our team here at Jerry Enos Painting can work with your business on color choice, scheduling that is convenient for your office, and methods to least disrupt your business.
When choosing your commercial painting team, be sure to look for a company that can work within your office constraints including set up, paint times, and clean up so your office can continue its work. ![calendar]()
Scheduling It Properly
Right now may make the most sense to paint your commercial space. With fewer people actually in the office, it may be easier to rearrange workspaces and allow for painters to get to hard-to-reach or challenging spaces. It also means less interruptions to your work day if your workforce is mostly remote anyway.
Our team can work with you to find times that work for your business that allow for as few disruptions or downtime as possible, thus keeping you in business while you improve your business.
Color & Finish Choices
Choosing a color that works with your brand and business is paramount to our team. We can help you choose both the color scheme and finish that works best for your space with the assistance from our color specialists.
Some businesses determine their color palette based upon their brand and logo design, while others choose soothing colors appropriate for a workspace. It’s up to you and your team.
Informing Employees
It’s an extremely important part of the process to inform your employees about the work that will be done while they are in-office as well as while they work remotely. Keeping everyone informed about the timeline and anything that may interrupt their workday means everyone will be on the same page. It will also give all team members a chance to remove any items from their workstation that they want to keep at home during the project.
Do you plan on painting your workspace this winter? Talk to our team here at Jerry Enos Painting or leave us a comment on our Facebook page to get a free quote for your next painting project.
Categorised in: Exterior painting, Interior painting, Jerry Enos