Categories for Trends

Doing the laundry may seem like a never-ending chore. In fact, just when I have washed, dried, folded, and put everything away, it would be nice to take a day or two off from the cycle. Unfortunately, the laundry just keeps accumulating.  Since most families spend an inordinate amount of…

Now that fall is here in earnest, outdoor projects are becoming more and more unfeasible. In just a few weeks we will be thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. For weekend warriors, that means it is now time to shift their weekend projects indoors. And what better timing than when you…

For many businesses, summertime means a different pace of work and focus on different projects especially with employees and management heading off on vacation or long weekends. That’s why fall tends to be the perfect time to start those maintenance projects you have been putting off, like painting the interior…