Categories for Fun stuff

Now that fall is here in earnest, outdoor projects are becoming more and more unfeasible. In just a few weeks we will be thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. For weekend warriors, that means it is now time to shift their weekend projects indoors. And what better timing than when you…

The quote, “The days are long, the years are short” by Gretchen Rubin of the Happiness Project is so incredibly spot-on true. When our children are young it feels like an eternity to potty train, get them to sleep through the night, and go through the endless nightly homework. But…

If you are expecting a new bundle of joy, first of all, congratulations! Second, try not to get overwhelmed with all that lies ahead. Take it one day at a time and you will have this parenting thing down in no time. If one of your worries is what to…

Many New England homes come with a bonus room attached to a small deck or outdoor space. These spaces, quaintly called a three-season porch or sunroom are meant to only be used during the spring, summer, and fall months due to the lack of heating in the area.  Three-season porches,…

Repainting can feel drastic, especially when you're not looking for a complete change but rather a point of interest or a shift in mood. For that, we recommend painting an accent wall. An accent wall is just a wall painted in a different color (or painted in a different pattern)…

Wallpaper is back with a vengeance among decorators and design-obsessed homeowners. Forget associations with outdated interiors, this wall covering is finally enjoying a resurgence in popularity thanks to bold patterns, saturated colors, amazing textures, and advancements that have made applying wallpaper easier. People are looking to wallpaper to provide drama,…

Green with envy? Your friends might just be if you decide to redecorate using this newly revived classic hue. Hollywood Regency-style patterns are back and with it bold and glamorous Kelly green. Yet as striking as this deep green is, Kelly is also versatile. It is at home in tropical…

For speed, nothing beats paint rollers and sprayers, but brushes will never lose their place in the painter's toolbox. Only they can do the kind of fine detail work that makes an interior painting or exterior painting job look truly finished. It's brushes that can reach into tight corners and…

Before you ask, let's get it out of the way: an accent wall is just one wall in a room that's painted a different color. Usually a much lighter, much darker, or more saturated color, but not always. An accent wall defines the room much more clearly than any one…