Categories for Types of Paint

Lead paint wasn’t banned in the US until 1978 and before that it was used all over the place. Chances are if your home was built before the early 80s there's lead paint on your walls. It's probably lurking underneath more than a few layers of non-lead paint – which…

All paint is made of the same basic ingredients: solvent, resin, additives, and pigments. Solvents are typically water for latex paint and mineral spirits for oil paint – but in both cases, the solvent is what evaporates as the paint dries, leaving behind the resin, pigment, and additives. Like interior…

For a DIY paint job, we'd wager that most homeowners will reach for latex simply because it is the most common paint found at home improvement stores. But that doesn't mean it's the only kind of paint there is! Walk down the paint aisle and while water-based options will dominate,…

For a DIY paint job, we'd wager that most homeowners will reach for latex simply because it is the most common paint found at home improvement stores. But that doesn't mean it's the only kind of paint there is! Walk down the paint aisle and while water-based options will dominate,…

If you've ever walked through the interior and exterior paint aisle at your local New England hardware store then you know there's a dizzying array of options from which to choose. Flat… matte… eggshell… velvet… satin… it's hard enough choosing paint colors! Now you have to choose, well, what exactly?…

Putting a coat of interior or exterior paint over an already painted wall is easy. Things get more complicated when the surface you want to paint isn't already sporting a coat or two. Here's the lowdown on painting just some of the surfaces we're asked about on a regular basis.…

Adding color to the world with paint is a uniquely human activity – one that we've been engaging in since prehistoric times! For that and other reasons we think paint and painting are pretty interesting and after reading this list, we think you will, too. 1. About 10% of ALL…

Winter is just around the corner. It may not feel like it now when the lingering summery weather makes September feel like June, but before you know it New England's frigid wintery winds will be gusting against your shutters. Ice and snow won't be far behind. You may be able…

If you've shopped paint lately, you've probably seen cans advertising the paint within as being low in VOCs. Sounds good, right? Most of us are looking for healthier, eco-friendly alternatives these days when it comes to everything from what we eat to the materials we use to customize our homes.…