The Spring Colors are Coming!
February 5, 2015
If the snow is starting to get to you – and we feel you there – why not mentally skip ahead to spring? Thinking warm thoughts may not clear the berm from the end of your driveway but it can make life seem a little more cheerful. If you look outside and all you see are shades of white, gray, and muck, maybe it’s time to think about updating those interior walls to counteract the winter blahs. The good news is the spring 2015 colors are already here! Consider splashing some of these springtime favorites on your interior walls before the crocuses start popping up. You’ll be happy you did!
Custard Yellow
This mild and creamy yellow (light or dark) is the perfect way to ease into spring. It’s pleasantly cheery without being too bright, and so won’t seem at odds with the snow outside (or like too much of a good thing come summer). The feeling is warm, but not stiflingly so. Use it in sitting rooms, sun rooms, and in sunny spots because the sunshine will make this color sing.
Lucite Green
This green that’s more like a blue never fades completely away so it can give rooms a nostalgic feel. Think of it like Robin’s egg blue all grown up and fashion forward. Maybe it’s a little prep but it’s also super springy and just bright enough to make up for all the daylight we’re missing. We love this particular green – or is it blue? – for bedroom walls.
Creamy Lime
Less tropical and more topical, this dreamy shade of green is reminiscent of the first shoots that creep out of the ground when the temps are still brisk enough for winter coats. In the bathroom, it can make getting up for work in the winter far less dreary and (given the right décor) give the necessary room more of a spa-ish feel.
Toasted Almond
Neutral and comforting, this rich color will take you straight to the beach – maybe bypassing spring altogether. If you want a change but aren’t ready for a big splash where your interior paint is concerned, know that you can pair this benign but charming wall hue with almost any color of furnishing and accessories you could ever want.
Retro Cream
Cool grays will give way to warm whites once more as is inevitable as the seasons change. Another neutral with a mid-century modern feel, this color is made to showcase the finer things in your life. Art looks amazing on retro cream walls. Your furniture? Will never have popped more. Pair it with the warm woods that are coming back into style or with lots of dramatic jet black in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen.
What colors can lift you up when you have a case of the wintertime blues?
Images via Pinterest, Viscusi Elson Interior Design,, and
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Categorised in: Color Trends, Decorating, Design, Fun stuff