Summertime Grilling: Get an Early Start with These Warm Weather Favorites
June 20, 2014
Are you totally ready for summer – real, honest-to-goodness summer – to get here so you can get outside on your newly restored deck and start grilling? Us too, but we say “Why wait?” We start grilling out on our decks as soon as there’s even the hint of a thaw!
Summer staples like burgers and dogs may seem a little out of place on your plate before beach season, so fill up that propane tank and give some of these springtime grilling favorites a try.
Swap out beef for lighter fare like chicken or salmon. An apricot glaze or butter, dill, and freshly squeezed lemon will give you your first taste of summertime!
Grilled asparagus seasoned with nothing more than olive oil, salt, and pepper cooks quickly to perfection right on the grill. Make it even tastier by topping it with shaved parm and thinly sliced almonds.
Craving more veggies? Bell peppers – red, green, yellow, or orange – grill up amazingly delicious with no or very little seasoning needed.
Round out your May meal with new potatoes cooked with butter, salt, and crushed garlic – quartered new potatoes can’t go on the grill directly, of course, so make a little dish with heavy duty aluminum foil.
And now for the surprise ending. Grilled pineapple is an amazing spring and summertime dessert that’s easy, too. Toss pineapple rings with brown sugar and cinnamon, and grill for a treat that’ll leave people wondering why THEY never tried fruit on the grill!
Of course, anything goes when it comes to grilling, but here’s a hint: rosemary, parsley, dill, and cilantro make everything springier!
Image via: woodleywonderworks
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