Colors for Cozy Spaces 

October 29, 2020

Do you have a smaller room in your home that you would like to convert into a cozy den or library? Small spaces are sometimes seen as rooms that need to be painted in light colors to open it up. But what if you want to play on the small size and embrace the coziness of the room? Here are a few ideas on how to transform your small room into a cozy nook for doing what you love, whether it is reading, watching Netflix, or just relaxing after a long day of work. 

What’s the Purpose of the Room? 

One of the first things you will want to consider, even before you think about painting a smaller room, is to determine what the ultimate purpose will be for the space. Will it be used as a reading room where you will need special lighting, or perhaps as a movie room where you will want to darken the space for optimal viewing? Depending upon your answers, your color choice will be determined by the ultimate purpose of the room. cozy living room

Warm or Cool Colors? 

When a room is described as cozy, many people think about warmer tones like deeper grays, medium blues, mustard yellows, or deep chocolate colors. Others think about cooler tones such as lighter yellows, light blues, mossy greens, or creamy whites. 

Before you choose your color scheme, you may want to decide on what constitutes a cozy color for you. Try out a few shades on the walls first and see how the natural light makes the colors seem in the space first. accents in a bedroom

Cozy Accents

Depending upon the color scheme you choose for the walls, ceiling, and furnishings, you will want to add some comfy and cozy accents such as a warm blanket, window coverings, rugs, pillows, and sentimental keepsakes displayed around the space. 

Cozy accents can not only give some texture to the room but can serve as an accent color as well. For example, if you painted the room a deep gray such as Benjamin Moore Gray Husky, you may want to add in some blue accent pieces that play well with the gray tones. 

Do you need help choosing a cozy color for your room? Talk to our experts about the perfect color scheme for your small room today. 


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